I was born in New Zealand, spent decent chunks of my childhood in the USA and UK, worked in Canada, and now live in Australia. I started out as a real scientist, but somehow became a theorist/computer programmer in thermodynamics, right on the border between chemistry, physics and people don’t really care. Oh, and I also picked up a law degree and worked as a legal researcher in the public service for a while.
Somehow amongst all of this, I found a wonderful wife, had three beautiful children, and found the time to read, watch and listen to a lot of genre fiction.
- For information about this blog, see About this blog.
- For information about this website, see About.
- Social Media Links are in the sidebar.
As a legal trained scientist programmer with writing and reviewing skills, I have a messed up set of professional pages:
- I have a university mandated webpage.
- I have a linkedin account in.
- Google scholar in the social media list has my scientific publications.
- And of course I have this blog, with a contact form below.
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