This blog has been dead for exactly two years (last post 1 January 2020); I didn’t mean to stop writing, but between things going on in my personal life and Covid (mainly Covid), I’ve been focused inwards, not outwards.
First, an apology to anyone who followed this blog, and the couple of people who contacted me here through the unplanned and un-posted hiatus. In future, if I take a break I will post, rather than ghost.
I’ve reached a point where I need to get back to a new normal, and putting up stuff here is going to be part of that. However I’m going to try to pickup where I left off, and put more emphasis on the Dilettante part of the blog name. I feel most comfortable reviewing books, but during Covid, I’ve fallen back more on video games then books (as will be made stark in a subsequent post), I’ve long been into board games, and I’ve been trying to broaden my horizons (for example I’ve taken up Gunpla 1). All of this means that I will try to write about more geek culture than the books.
I’m also tossing up whether to post some non sci-fi stuff here – I have no other writing outlet, and I have things to say. If I do, I’ll make sure to tag them in such a way that anyone who doesn’t care about science, politics, math or other stuff can ignore them.
I won’t get anything up for a couple of weeks, but then I’ll start with my year in books for 20 and 21, and then maybe my experience building my first gunpla. Then I hope to give an brief retrospective on Pratchett plays in Brisbane (which I’ve attended a few of now) and video games. If I decide to include non SF essays, I tried to collect some thoughts about my reaction to September 11, and if I give them a pass I’ll put them up